Invofox for

Expense Management

Automate the entire Expense Management process, eliminate errors, and speed up reimbursements.

Unlock the Power of Expense Management with Invofox’s Workflows

Automated Data

Verify data from any receipt, in any format, with unmatched results. Scale up processing effortlessly and eliminate costly data entry errors.

Empower Sophisticated Workflows

Build workflows tailored to your specific needs. Route approvals based on employee roles, expense types, or spending limits for efficient processing.

Improve Client’s

Provide clients with real-time visibility into their submitted expenses and approvals, fostering transparency and trust.


Our solution seamlessly connects with leading ERP platforms, ensuring a hassle-free setup and immediate benefits for your business.


Invofox classifies and splits your documents automatically.


Receive asynchronous notifications every time that an event occurs.

Programmatic Rules

Our solution detects and interprets data beyond conventional methods, ensuring data extraction and verification.

Lets Talk!

90% less paper

Our technology helps you cutdown on paper use.

85% increased productivity

Saving you time and mental energy to focus on more valuable tasks

99.9% Accuracy rate

We are constantly working on our product to maintain the highest standards.

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