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Automate Workflows with

our AI Solution

From Text to Intelligence: Why IDP is the Present and Future of Document Processing.

OCR as the first step of IDP

In the realm of document processing, while OCR lays the foundation for text extraction, Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) emerges as the advanced solution.

Accuracy Rate
Document Processing Time
Proccess Automation
API Integration
Advanced Data Extraction
Self Learning System
OCR + AI + Machine Learning
Under 30 seconds
End-to-end workflow automation
60% to 85%
Up to 2:30

Lets Talk!

90% less paper

Our technology helps you cutdown on paper use.

85% increased productivity

Saving you time and mental energy to focus on more valuable tasks

99.9% Accuracy rate

We are constantly working on our product to maintain the highest standards.

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Use Cases


We excel at processing a range of documents, such as invoices, bills of lading, purchase orders, and receipts, enabling you to optimize your resources across various niches.

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Payment Solutions (AP, AR)

Extract all information from invoices, including but not limited to IBAN, SWIFT code, payment method and terms, while maintaining a real-time exchange rate.

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Accounting Software

Your next tax season will be stress-free. Our software allows users to automate data extraction from receipts and invoices including the header information as well as line items.

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Expense Management

Extract vital information such as payment method, date & time, and line items to enhance functionality in your software. This will allow you to elevate your expense approval procedures using AI.

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Document Management

Index documents for better search functionality thanks to our highly granular data extraction proficiency. Our software allows you to freely extract more than 80 fields of information.

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Think planet first; accurately gauge your client's carbon footprint by processing utility bills, capturing essential details such as contract reference, consumption, unit of measure, unit cost, contracted power and others.

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Discover the Invofox advantage with our preprocessing expertise. Our Classifier & Splitter are pretrained ML models with one goal, organizing and grouping large amounts of documents to have them ready for processing.


Our pretrained Classifier allows you to differentiate what type of document you’re working with and then process it accordingly.


Our Splitter function allows you to separate multiple documents within a single PDF file, simplifying information extraction and boosting automation for tasks such as invoice processing.

The Invofox Advantage for your Software

Ironclad Security

We are certified, safeguarding data authenticity, integrity, and privacy with granular access and full encryption.

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Volume of Data

Handle large volume of documents with unrivalled accuracy, speed and scalability.

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HITL Marketplace

Access to Invofox’s Human-In-The-Loop marketplace. Connect with the best provider based on your needs.

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Embeddable Program

Embed Invofox UI into your Sofware. Customize your interface, and define data validation rules.

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